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Ireland May Move Toward Decriminalizing Cannabis

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Ireland could be the next European country to relax its laws around adult-use recreational cannabis.
According to Forbes, People Before Profit Representative Gino Kenny introduced a bill to legalize recreational cannabis for personal use.
The bill would allow adults 18 or older to possess up to seven grams of cannabis and 2.5 grams of cannabis resin.
The bill would modify existing legislation around cannabis that was put in place decades ago.
“It amends existing legislation that dates back 42 years,” Kenny said. “We need a different narrative around drug reform.”
While the bill would decriminalize cannabis possession, it won’t address retail sales or cultivation.
The bill will likely go up for debate early next year and it could face opposition from within the Irish government.

Publié 2 years ago

Catégorie Vidéo  /  International

Mots clés Ireland Decriminalize Cannabis

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