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(EN) Why outlawing cannabis was a HUGE mistake - Warum das Verbot von Cannabis ein RIESIGER Fehler war

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We've used cannabis for tens of thousands of years. Not just to get high but also to make textiles, paper, medicine and much more. We then outlawed it for decades – only to realize the stuff is pretty good at helping fight climate change. So get ready for the cannabis comeback.

Reporter: Serdar Vardar 
Camera: Serdar Vardar 
Video Editor: David Jacobi 
Supervising Editor: Joanna Gottschalk , Malte Rohwer-Kahlmann & Kiyo Dörrer

We're destroying our environment at an alarming rate. But it doesn't need to be this way. Our new channel Planet A explores the shift towards an eco-friendly world — and challenges our ideas about what dealing with climate change means. We look at the big and the small: What we can do and how the system needs to change. Every Friday we'll take a truly global look at how to get us out of this mess.

#PlanetA #Cannabis #IndustrialHemp

Read more:
Hemp and sustainable agriculture:

Challenges of revitalizing hemp:

Hemp as a sustainable raw material:

A potted history of Cannabis:

00:00 Intro 
00:52 The forgotten crop
04:08 Buildings made from hemp
07:03 Better paper?
08:00 Hemp and the textile industry
10:12 What holds us back
12:12 What lies ahead
13:35 Outro

Special thanks for background interviews to:
Ethan Russo
Daniel Piomelli
Tony DeVeyra
Michael Bieder
Don Langlois
Robert C. Pearce
John Fike
Benjamin Cassou
Francesco Mirizzi

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